Why I Quit Alcohol at 58: My Journey to Sobriety

Many people enjoy an alcoholic drink or two on occasion with friends or family, but alcohol can be addictive. As we age, drinking alcohol can also worsen existing health problems and have dangerous interactions with some medications. Anyone of any age can develop an unhealthy dependence on alcohol. Many people find that they naturally reduce their alcohol consumption as they age.

As we age, our bodies become more sensitive to the effects of drinking, leading to sleepless nights and a tendency for a few drinks to worsen other medical conditions. Menopause, hot sweats, high blood pressure, ulcers, and diabetes can all be exacerbated by alcohol consumption, causing people to lose their sobriety. The liver is also put under strain by alcohol, and taking a break from drinking can give it a much-needed vacation. Research also shows that some people experience an increase in libido after reducing or quitting alcohol. Contrary to popular belief, alcohol rarely has a long-term positive effect on people's sex lives.

As some of the areas mentioned above begin to improve, this can result in an increase in your overall health and well-being. This is also the time when withdrawal symptoms, such as cravings and alcohol-related thoughts, can begin to diminish and become much more manageable. I quit drinking at the age of 58 for a number of reasons. Firstly, I knew that if I continued drinking I would end up dead at a young age. Alcohol is responsible for more than a third of deaths from liver disease, and research shows that people who suffer from it are getting younger.

I had also been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation due to brain damage in the cerebellum that the doctor believes is related to alcohol. The good news is that stopping drinking for two weeks and then sticking with the recommended units of alcohol means that the liver should start to eliminate excess fat. With the help of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and my support system, I was able to quit drinking after 30 years of being an alcoholic. Now I shudder at the thought of vodka, but I still enjoy the taste of beer so I've been drinking non-alcoholic beer instead. I chose to live the last third of my life in good health, and the best way to do that was to give up alcohol, make different dietary choices and exercise regularly. One way I found to do this was to focus on some of the things that I would lose if I eliminated alcohol from my body and changed the behaviors that accompanied my alcohol consumption. If you think alcohol is endangering you or someone else, call 911 or get similar help right away.

As you age, health problems or prescription medications may require you to drink less alcohol or to avoid alcohol altogether.

Sophia Streeby
Sophia Streeby

Addiction recovery expert from experience and training - I want to help others Quit drinking alcohol and find freedom from addiction daily.