How to Quit Alcohol Naturally: A Guide for Recovery

Understanding your relationship with alcohol is the first step to quitting. At NAMS, our multidisciplinary team of addiction experts offers a variety of services to suit each individual's path to recovery. Medically assisted alcohol rehabilitation programs are structured to include medical detoxification, addiction treatment and, finally, aftercare and relapse prevention. Taking a break from alcohol for a month can be beneficial to the body, and milk thistle extract is one of the active ingredients that may improve liver function in people with alcohol use disorders.

Detoxifying from alcohol at home can be difficult and likely to fail due to the availability of alcohol or its easy access. Meditation can help reduce cravings by making you more comfortable with the thoughts and feelings that arise when you want to drink. Along with medications and other supportive treatments, alternative therapies can be effective in reducing alcohol cravings and other withdrawal symptoms. Focusing on well-being not only supports your rehabilitation experience, but it also helps to change your approach from overcoming an alcohol addiction to developing and improving overall well-being.

Eating nutritious foods can help reduce cravings for alcohol by improving digestion, keeping blood sugar stable, and maintaining balanced brain chemistry. Knowing why you drink is essential for successful recovery, as it helps you explore alternative ways to address those problems more productively. Your thoughts and emotions, your environment, and your physical responses to alcohol combine to form triggers that can lead you to want to drink. Most addiction experts, researchers, and medical professionals agree that the safest way to stop drinking alcohol is to seek medical attention.

Alcohol addiction, also called alcohol use disorder, is a pattern of behavior in which a person continues to drink alcohol even when they no longer receive pleasure from it, and even if this harms their health, relationships, work, or finances.

Sophia Streeby
Sophia Streeby

Addiction recovery expert from experience and training - I want to help others Quit drinking alcohol and find freedom from addiction daily.