Does Alcohol Make You Look Older?

Alcohol consumption can have a significant impact on your overall health and appearance. It can cause dehydration, reducing skin moisture and elasticity, leading to sagging, dryness and wrinkles. Even one night of heavy drinking can make lines and wrinkles appear more pronounced, making you look older than you really are. Excessive drinking can also cause a loss of collagen and elasticity in the skin, making it look aged.

Furthermore, alcohol is full of empty calories, which can lead to weight gain. A study found that alcohol causes the body to age at the cellular level, increasing the risk of developing age-related diseases. The Institute for Alcohol Studies reports that 10% of alcohol leaves the body when you sweat, breathe and urinate. Leptin levels have been found to drop by half after a person consumes large amounts of alcohol.

When a person has a concern about alcohol, they may lose control and be unable to stop. Treatment helps people learn to cope with their problems and negative emotions without resorting to alcohol. Once the detoxification is complete, the next step is to learn to live without needing more alcohol. More specifically, people who have alcohol use disorder may appear older than they are and begin to experience age-related medical problems when they are young.

If you like to read inspirational, real-life stories about people who have freed themselves from alcohol, you'll love Rock Bottom & Rising. In conclusion, excessive and long-term alcohol consumption can make you look older than you actually are. It can reduce skin moisture and elasticity, leading to sagging, dryness and wrinkles. It can also cause a loss of collagen and elasticity in the skin, making it look aged.

Furthermore, it is full of empty calories which can lead to weight gain. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the effects of alcohol on your health and appearance.

Sophia Streeby
Sophia Streeby

Addiction recovery expert from experience and training - I want to help others Quit drinking alcohol and find freedom from addiction daily.